Privacy statement

Thank you for visiting our website of the Queer Network NRW. We attach particular importance to protecting your data. Therefore, it is generally possible to use this site without providing any personal data. However, there are various offers that require the processing of personal data. If there is no legal basis for such processing, we will generally obtain your consent. We always process personal data (e.g. name, address, e-mail address, etc.) in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and the country-specific data protection regulations that apply to the queer network NRW. We will therefore inform you which data we collect when you visit this website. We will also explain to you your rights and refer to the legal basis in brackets. You can also find explicit data protection information in PDF form at the end of this statement.

Explanation of terms

We use subject-specific terms for our privacy policy. To make it as easy as possible for you to read, we will briefly explain the terms we use. This definition is derived in extracts from the GDPR and does not claim to be exhaustive. A full explanation of terms can be found here:

“personal data”
any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter “data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more specific characteristics that express the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of that person are a natural person;

any process or series of operations carried out with or without the aid of automated processes relating to personal data, such as collecting, collecting, organizing, storing, adapting or modifying, reading, querying, using, disclosing through transmission, dissemination or any other form of provision, reconciliation or linking, restriction, deletion or destruction;

“Restriction of processing”
marking stored personal data with the aim of restricting their processing in the future;

the processing of personal data in such a way that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that this additional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organizational measures to ensure that the personal data is not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person;

“File system”
any structured collection of personal data that is accessible in accordance with specific criteria, regardless of whether that collection is managed centrally, decentrally or functionally or geographically;

“Responsible person”
the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law;

“Contract processor”
a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the person responsible;

a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body to which personal data is disclosed, regardless of whether it is a third party or not. However, public authorities that may receive personal data as part of a specific investigation mandate under Union or Member State law are not considered recipients; the processing of such data by those authorities is carried out in accordance with applicable data protection rules in accordance with the purposes of the processing;

“Third party”
a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, the controller, the processor and the persons who, under the direct responsibility of the controller or processor, are authorized to process the personal data;

to the data subject, any voluntary, informed and unequivocal statement of intent in the specific case, in the form of a statement or other unequivocal affirmative act by which the data subject indicates that he or she agrees to the processing of personal data concerning him or her;

General information about the website & mandatory information about the company
We, the Queer Network NRW e.V., have taken numerous measures to protect your visit to this website and any processing of your data. However, we cannot offer you absolute protection, as Internet services can generally be affected by security gaps. Therefore, you can of course send us your data (if we need it) in any way you choose. Below you will find the contact details of the responsible body, the contact details of our data protection officer, and information on the security of this website.

Name and address of the data processing company

Queer network NRW e.V.
Lindenstraße 20
50674 Cologne
Telephone: +49 (0) 221 — 257 2847
web page: 

Name and address of the responsible data protection officer
We have appointed a data protection officer for our company. You can contact our data protection officer directly at any time if you have any questions or suggestions regarding data protection.

Queer network NRW e.V.
Lindenstraße 20
50674 Cologne
web page: 

SSL encryption
We have encrypted this website using an SSL protocol. As soon as a website is encrypted with SSL, the URL in your browser's address bar starts with “https://” instead of “http://”. A lock icon also appears next to the address bar. Depending on the type of encryption, the address bar turns (partially) green. With this encryption, we ensure that your data that you send to us cannot be read by third parties.

Data collection on our website & data transfer to third partiesCookies
This website uses so-called cookies. Cookies are small pieces of text that are stored on your computer and stored in your browser. Cookies ensure that visiting this website is user-friendly and effective. There are temporary cookies (so-called session cookies) and permanent cookies. While session cookies are deleted after you close the website, the permanent cookies remain stored on your device as long as you delete them yourself. You can set your browser so that it only stores special cookies or no cookies at all. However, this may mean that this website is not displayed correctly. (Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO)

server log files
When you visit, our provider collects server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. Server log files are files in which information is stored. This information includes: IP addressTime of website visit referrer URL host name of your computer operating system browser type and version This data is used to correctly display and optimize content on our website, to ensure long-lasting functionality and, in the event of a cyber attack, to provide the information necessary for law enforcement. This data is not combined with other data sources, such as data entered in contact forms. (Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO) We have concluded an order processing contract with HostEurope within the framework of the GDPR. HostEurope's privacy policy can be found at:
If you contact us (e.g. via a contact form, email, telephone or social media), we will store and process your data to process your request. The data is stored in a customer relationship management system. If your data is no longer required, we will delete it. As part of data avoidance and data economy, we will check the data for necessity every 2 years and delete it if necessary, unless we are bound by legal archiving obligations. (Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSVGO)

Data transfer to third parties
We only transfer your data to third parties if it is necessary as part of contract processing (e.g. to a contracted bank) or if you have given us your express consent to do so. Your data will not be passed on to third parties for advertising purposes. Deletion takes place after the legal storage obligations have expired. (Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSVGO)

We host our website with Webflow. The provider is Webflow, Inc., 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA (hereinafter: Webflow).
When you visit our website, Webflow collects various log files, including your IP addresses. Webflow is a tool for building and hosting websites. Webflow stores cookies or other recognition technologies that are necessary to display the page, to provide certain website functions and to ensure security (necessary cookies). For details, see Webflow's privacy policy: EU & Swiss Privacy Policy | Webflow. Webflow is used on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. We have a legitimate interest in presenting our website as reliably as possible. If a corresponding consent has been requested, processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG, insofar as the consent includes the storage of cookies or access to information on the user's device (e.g. device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TTDSG. The consent can be withdrawn at any time. Data transfer to the USA is based on the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. Details can be found here: EU & Swiss Privacy Policy | Webflow.

Order processing
We have concluded an order processing contract (AVV) with the above-mentioned provider. This is a contract required by data protection law, which ensures that it only processes the personal data of our website visitors in accordance with our instructions and in compliance with the GDPR.

Linking to third-party content
On our website, you will find links to services and content from other providers. As soon as you click on the corresponding icon or link, you will automatically be redirected to their page. This changes the URL in your browser. We assume no responsibility for the data collected and for how it is handled on these websites, as we have no influence on these companies. However, we have listed the responsible parts of our links for you:

Facebook & Instagram

We link to our page on Facebook and Instagram via Facebook & Instagram icon. Facebook is a social network based in the USA. Instagram is a social network that belongs to Facebook. We generally refrain from embedding Facebook plug-ins (“Share” button, “Like” button, etc.). This prevents these Facebook plug-ins from collecting, processing and possibly creating shadow profiles when you visit our site, even though you may not be on Facebook at all. However, this type of data processing may occur if you actively click on the link to Facebook. The operating company of Facebook is: FacebookInc.
1 Hacker Way
Menlo Park
APPROX 94025

For citizens of the European Union, the following company is responsible for data processing:

Facebook Ireland Ltd.
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2

Facebook's privacy policy can be found at the following link:

Instagram's privacy policy can be found at the following link:

Google services
On this website, we use the following tools from Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
The privacy policy of Google services can be found here:

Google Maps:
On our website, we use a link to Google Maps. The data exchange with Google Maps only takes place when you click on the respective link. The terms of use for Google Maps can be found at

Google calendar:
We have embedded a Google calendar on our website. Simply visiting our website does not involve any data exchange with Google. This only takes place when the calendar is clicked on. The data protection principles for Google Calendar can be found here:

We have embedded links (icon) and components from YouTube on this website. However, the videos in particular are protected by a special plug-in so that there is no exchange of data with YouTube when you simply visit our website. This only takes place when you actively click on the integrated videos. YouTube is a service by: YouTube LLC
901 Cherry Ave.
San Bruno
CA 94066

YouTube LLC is a subsidiary of Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy
Mountain View
CA 94043-1351
YouTube's privacy policy can be found at:
Third-party plug-ins and tools
Various online offerings are implemented using the Microsoft Teams and Zoom video conferencing tools. An order processing agreement was concluded with both companies.

The operating company for the use of Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 is in the European Union: Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited, One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, Ireland.
Microsoft privacy statement:
The operating company of Zoom is Zoom Video Communications, 55 Almaden Blvd, Suite 600, San Jose, California (95113), Zoom's US privacy statement:
Applications & application process
As part of job advertisements and the associated application process, we also process personal data electronically. Especially when applicants send us their application documents by email. This data is only stored beyond the period of the application process should you become employed by our company. This storage is carried out in compliance with legal regulations. If there is no employment in our company, we will delete the data two months after completion of the application process (rejection), unless there is a legitimate interest in further storage. A legitimate interest would be, for example, the burden of proof in proceedings under the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). (Legal basis: Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSVGO)

Plug-ins & tools from third parties
We use plug-ins and tools from third-party providers on our site. These serve to make our website more user-friendly. We use the following tools on this page:

Sending newsletters with “CleverReach”
A newsletter form is embedded on this website, which is provided by the service provider “CleverReach”. We have concluded an order processing contract with this service provider. The service provider guarantees data protection in accordance with GDPR requirements. When transmitted via SSL encryption, your data is stored in a certified data center. After entering the data, you will receive another separate email with a confirmation link. Only when this link (double opt-in procedure) is confirmed will it be added to our newsletter directory. The operating company of CleverReach is:CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG
//CRASH Building
Schafjückenweg 2
26180 Rastede

Learn more about data security:
More information about data protection:
“yumpu” epaper service
We use providerI-Magazine AG (“Yumpu”) to display publications in ePaper form on our website
Gewerbestraße 3
9444 Diepoldsau
SchweizYumpu ensures that publications in PDF format are displayed in a freely accessible and easy-to-read way directly in the web browser without the need to load PDF files. To run the service, your web browser retrieves the content directly from Yumpu. As when you visit any website, Yumpu receives your IP address as well as information about your web browsers, the operating system, the date and time of the call and the referrer URL, provided that the referrer data is not obfuscated by the browser. Yumpu also uses analysis cookies. To the best of our knowledge, your data will be used by Yumpu exclusively for the purpose of displaying the flippage catalog. For more information, see Yumpu's privacy policy: processing is carried out by Yumpu in Ireland. Yumpu takes appropriate measures and provides data protection guarantees when processing is carried out in another country. Switzerland is recognized by the European Commission as a state with an adequate level of data protection. The European Commission's adequacy decision allows the transfer of personal data from the EU without further protective measures. You can find more information about this at: 

Your rights
You have the right to confirmation Information Rectification deletion Restriction of processing Data portability Objection Withdrawal of consent In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority should we violate data protection. The supervisory authority responsible for us is:State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia
Helga Block
Kavalleriestrasse 2-4
40213 Dusseldorf
Telephone: +49 (0) 2 11 — 384 24-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2 11 — 384 24-10
web page:

You can read our detailed data protection information here download.