Your specialist team

The picture shows the team from the Queer Youth Department of NRW and the team from the Q_munity project as an illustration.

Hello! We are the employees of the Queer Youth Department in NRW.

The department's team consists of 6 committed people with very different strengths and experiences. What we all have in common is that we are fully committed to the interests of young queers.

Our job is to promote all queer youth groups in NRW, to draw the attention of politicians and society to how important these spaces are and, together with young volunteers and specialists, to consider how the work can be even cooler and stronger. For example, what does empowerment mean for all boy queers and what is needed for safer spaces for young queers after flight or for trans* young people? We advise when a new youth club wants to set up, organise specialist days and, for example, offer empowerment meetings for group leaders of color.
If you have any questions about the Queer Youth Network NRW and/or your involvement in queer youth work, you can contact us at any time. We are also available to advise you if you have concerns, conflicts and uncertainties. You can reach us via phone or email: contact. The office of the Queer Youth Department NRW is in Cologne. However, the employees of the department often travel all over NRW and are also happy to visit your local youth group.

We welcome your questions and ideas!

More information about the department

Fachstelle Queere Jugend:
Mo, Silke und Mariana
(pronoun: nin):

Q_munity project:
Bo und Di(pronoun: they):

Trans*sensitive project:
(pronoun: nin or none):