About the department
Queer Youth NRW

The Queer Youth Office NRW was set up in 2014 under the auspices of the Gay Network NRW (now Queer Network NRW) in cooperation with the LAG Lesben NRW. Back then, it was still called “LGBT* Jugendfachstelle” (until 2016). At the start of specialist work in NRW, there were already a number of queer youth offers. Most of them were supported exclusively by individual young queers on a voluntary basis.

The department was created to connect, qualify and support these volunteers. Central milestones here were the founding of Queer Youth Network NRW and the development of JULEICA training specifically for young volunteers working in queer youth work.

Since 2014, the structure of queer youth work in NRW has fundamentally changed. As a result of the explicit promotion of LGBTIQ* youth work in the child and youth promotion plan of the state of NRW, many new meetings have been created and existing offers have grown. In many places, full-time positions for educational specialists have been established.
that Queer Youth Network NRW continues to exist as a lively platform for NRW-wide networking, participation and youth policy participation of young volunteers from queer youth work. In addition to supporting the youth network and continuing education opportunities for young volunteers — in parallel with the professionalization of the structure — the task profile of the Queer Youth Department of North Rhine-Westphalia has fundamentally changed Offers for full-time queer youth work professionals expanded.

The tasks of the department today include:

(Annual) reports of our work:

Jahresbericht 2020

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Jahresbericht 2019

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Bericht 2014-2017

„Queerer Aufbruch“. Erfahrungen aus drei Jahren Vernetzung, Beratung und Qualifizierung der Fachstelle Queere Jugend NRW (2017)
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