Events for professionals


Here you can view our events for full-time staff/ educational professionals (marked in purple) in queer youth work in NRW as well as events for the volunteer youth network “Queer Youth NRW” (marked in blue). More information and the digital registration form can be found on the right via a link.lila markiert) der queeren Jugendarbeit in NRW gesichtet werden sowie Veranstaltungen für das ehrenamtliche Jugendnetzwerk "Queere Jugend NRW" (blau markiert). Mehr Informationen und das digitale Anmeldeformular finden sich jeweils rechts per Link.

Online networking meeting: Current challenges in practice
Digital space for exchange, advice and strategies for acute challenges in practice
Expert Forum: Sexual education in queer youth work
Methods, approaches and pedagogical confidence around sexual education in queer youth work
Jugendherberge Düsseldorf / Youth Hostel Düsseldorf
23.10.2024 - 27.10.2024
Juleica with focus on queer youth work
For: (prospective) volunteer group leaders and people involved in queer youth work (up to 29 years) | Continuing education
purple_bunt Zülpich

Past events

Working group meeting: Goals of queer youth work | Development of quality standards of queer youth work
Topical meeting for the joint development of quality standards in queer youth work (1st meeting: goals of queer youth work)
Open networking & collegial counseling
Digital space for dialogue, advice and strategies on acute challenges in your work practice
Offene Vernetzung & kollegiale Beratung
Digitaler Raum für Austausch, Beratung und Strategien zu akuten Herausforderungen in der Praxis
Online-Meeting: We're continuing the project "This is what queer youth work can do!"
Information & exchange of expertise in lgbtqia*+ youth work in North Rhine-Westphalia | Invitation to continue a collective process to develop quality standards for queer youth work in NRW | 10.30-13:00 Uhr
30.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
Autumn networking meeting of queer youth NRW 2024
For: young people involved in queer youth work | 2nd networking meeting 2024
CJD Guesthouse Bonn
Online expert forum: Working with groups in a trauma-sensitive way
05.04.2024 - 07.04.2024
Spring networking meeting of queer youth NRW 2024
For: young people involved in queer youth work | 1st networking meeting 2024
Landschaftspark Duisburg
Online meetings: How do we want to measure “good” queer youth work? Invitation to a NRW-wide working group process 2024 & 2025
Information & Exchange for LGBTIAQ*+ Youth Work Professionals in NRW | Invitation to the Joint Development of Quality Standards for Queer Youth Work in NRW | 10:00-12 -30
Expert forum for queer youth work in NRW (autumn 2023)
Space for networking, exchange & technical questions among LSBTIAQ*+ youth work professionals in NRW | free of charge, reimbursement of travel expenses
KCR Dortmund
11.10.2023 - 15.10.2023
Juleica with focus on queer youth work
For: (prospective) volunteer group leaders and people involved in queer youth work (up to 29 years) | Continuing education
purple_bunt Zülpich
Online presentation: “Neurodivergence in queer youth work — an introduction”
Online (Zoom)
Symposium: “Respect borders, live diversity. Queer Perspectives in Preventing Sexual Violence”
Registration at:
01.09.2023 - 03.09.2023
Autumn networking meeting of queer youth in NRW
For: young people involved in queer youth work | 2nd networking meeting 2023
JH Dortmund
28.04.2023 - 30.04.2023
Spring networking meeting of queer youth in NRW
For: young people involved in queer youth work | 1st networking meeting 2023
Expert forum for LGBTIAQ*+ youth work professionals (spring 2023)
“So how are things going with you?”
Rosa Strippe Bochum
Workshop “Intersectionality in Queer Youth Work”
For: Queer youth work professionals | Raising awareness of queer youth work professionals in NRW
19.11.2022 - 25.03.2023
Decolonial workshop series “Acting critically against racism in queer youth spaces”
A series of events for young committed queers who want to make their youth meetings critical of racism. Mandatory participation over the entire period is required.
Presence and online in alternation
Information meeting on the decolonial workshop series “Acting critically against racism in queer youth spaces”
Registration for the non-binding information event
online (Zoom)
Rights and options in asylum proceedings with a focus on housing issues
For: Queer youth work professionals | Digital workshop with Cologne Refugee Council e.V. [further information will follow]
JULEICA focuses on queer youth work
For: (prospective) volunteer group leaders and people involved in queer youth work (up to 29 years) | Continuing education
Zülpich, #lila_bunt
Protection concepts in LGBTIAQ*+ youth work
For: Queer Youth Work Professionals | Expert Forum Queer Youth Workers NRW
online (Zoom)
Autumn networking meeting of queer youth in NRW
For: young people involved in queer youth work | Networking and workshop weekend
JH Duisburg
Foot group at Cologne CSD
For: queer young people, young people involved and professionals from queer youth meetings | Joint foot group of all queer youth meetings from NRW
Spring networking meeting of queer youth in NRW
For: young people involved in queer youth work | 1st networking meeting 2022
JH Hagen
Expert discussion on sexual education for queer young people: “Discovering sex on the scene?! ”
For: Queer youth work professionals | Cooperation event with heartcontent NRW: Impulses and exchange for queer youth work professionals as well as honorary and full-time colleagues in prevention work from the heart's content.
Caféplus Aidshilfe Dortmund (Place of Grace 3-5 | 44135 Dortmund)
Rights and Options in Asylum Proceedings (Part II)
For: Queer youth work professionals | Digital workshop with Aische Westermann (participation in Part II is also possible without Part I)
Inter* young people as a target group for queer youth work
For: Queer youth work professionals | Online networking meeting and training day