
Online-Meeting: We're continuing the project "This is what queer youth work can do!"

Information & exchange of expertise in lgbtqia*+ youth work in North Rhine-Westphalia | Invitation to continue a collective process to develop quality standards for queer youth work in NRW | 10.30-13:00 Uhr

10:30-11:15h: Introduction & presentation of the current project status (with Benjamin Kinkel) 11:15-12:00: Revision of the schedule and the exact procedure of continuation in the process 12:00-13:00: Room for exchange and discussion of questions / current challenges regarding the work practice
Enrollment deadline

I have the following needs as part of the event

Das Treffen findet in deutscher Lautsprache statt. The event will be held in german spoken language. If a translation german-english during the event would be helpful for your participation, please write a short message regarding this to "" as soon as you sign up for the event, latest September 4th. Thanks!
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